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Demolition/Renovations Begins on Delaware State Campground


Demolition/Renovations Begins on Delaware State Campground

Crews started the demolition/renovation Monday at Delaware State Campground. The process is scheduled to take up to 4 months.

The campground facility will close Sunday, November 8th at 5PM. All tenants and guest must have all necessary items and belongings out of the campground by 4:30PM. There will be NO access to the facility until work is completed.

Demolition will begin in the southwest corner of the campground at the RV compound and finish up in the northeast corner. Access roads will be torn out, unsafe trees and vegetation removed, bathroom/shower facilities will be torn down.

CLICK HERE to view Closed Areas within the Delaware State Campground

Once the demolition process has been completed, renovations will begin.

The campground will have brand new access roads, sidewalks and bike paths. New trees will be planted and landscaping done around the main complex buildings. Lastly, new bath facilities will be built with separate bathroom, shower and locker room areas and handicap accessibility.

Upon completion of the project, residents of Delaware State Campground will be notified by mail of the return date.


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1 Comment

Bob Smith   on Monday 07/22/2019 at 09:11 AM

We are very excited to have these renovations done and look forward to coming back next year!

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