In an effort to stay up-to-date with technology and trends, many public libraries are adding services available to patrons electronically (e-books, newspapers and magazines, resources like, etc.), maker spaces for entrepreneurs (3D printing, embroidery machines, audio and video recording studios, self e-publishing, etc.), and technology training.
“Every day 300,000 Americans get job-seeking help at their public library,” according to the University of Maryland’s Digital Inclusion Survey. To review how public libraries are providing essential career support services for job seekers, please read another Career Convergence article, “Public Libraries Providing Essential Support Services for Job Seekers” (Kittrick, 2014).
This past year, I had the opportunity to survey senior leaders in Ohio public libraries through my Action Learning Project for the NCDA Leadership Academy. This project sought to strengthen the relationship with the American Library Association (ALA), Public Library Association (PLA) division, assess how career development is incorporated in public libraries across the state of Ohio and share opportunities to support career development in local communities. (View the full report here).
Listed below are three reasons to connect with your public library, followed by supporting (anonymous) comments from survey participants.
1. Learn About Career Services, Resources and Programs Offered.
Many public libraries in Ohio are adding new career books and resources to their existing collection every couple of months. An estimated 42%, of survey participants, are not offering career services (i.e., career advice, career programming, career author presentations, hosting community events, etc.) to teen or adult patrons.
2. Share Your Knowledge.
Could there be an opportunity to partner with your local public library for career programming or offering career advice? In Ohio, 82% reported their public library does not utilize a career coach or counselor* as an employee, contractor or volunteer. (*A career counselor has a master’s degree in counseling and career development experience.)
3. Advocate and Link Career Development Initiatives.
Library staff provide a wealth of knowledge, and may be interested in learning about career development resources (i.e., regional or state one-stops, AARP Foundation – Senior Community Service Employment Program for patrons 50+ years old, and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, WIOA). State CDA’s could introduce their organization, as a resource, to provide referrals for career related activities and market NCD Month Poster and Poetry Contest to library patrons.
Please leave a comment to share additional ways you connect with your public library!
Kittrick, M. (2014, November). Public libraries: Providing essential support services for job seekers. Career Convergence. Retrieved from"" target="_blank">
Meagan Kittrick, LPCC-S, NCC is a Career Counselor at the Cuyahoga County Public Library in Ohio: “Since 1976 - celebrating 40 years of providing Job and Career Services to the community”. Meagan holds a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and is a state Licensed Professional Counselor with Supervision designation and National Certified Counselor; she also holds a certification in executive coaching. She is a Past-President for the Ohio Career Development Association (OCDA) and continues to serve on the board as Membership Committee Chair. In addition, she’s a committee member for the NCDA Ethics Committee. She can be contacted at
Niel Carey on Tuesday 08/02/2016 at 04:19 PM
Your timely article provides a strong rationale and specific steps to strengthen the relationship between career development and library professionals. That stronger relationship could result in increased career services in a familiar community facility.
Meagan Kittrick on Thursday 08/04/2016 at 01:51 PM
Thank you for your comments Janet and Niel!
Excellent points on how career development professionals can partner with public libraries.
Rebecca Dedmond on Sunday 08/07/2016 at 01:14 PM
Thank you Meagan! Your article is a reminder that libraries are among our most welcoming partners as we career counselors and GCDFs seek ways to reach more citizens! Our local librarian invited our GCDF cohort to conduct a workshop that focused on providing parents a tool and strategies to use at home to help their child with career awareness and exploration! It is now a yearly "event" with a growing number of parents attending. Keep up the good work!
Deb Cozy on Sunday 08/21/2016 at 08:51 PM
When I was unemployed, I found that the public library was one of my greatest resources.I feel that there should be a greater collaborative effort by Workforce Development entities to partner with their local public libraries to help expand career resources and services for job seekers.
Meagan Kittrick on Wednesday 08/24/2016 at 02:12 PM
Thanks Rebecca and Deb!
Here's a quick YouTube Video about one client's experience working with the public library and his job search:
Janet Wall on Monday 08/01/2016 at 08:20 PM
People forget that libraries are a VERY important source of career information and assistance. One of my CDF students became the career and business librarian for the local Arlington, VA library.