Career Teaching Academy

NCDA's new Career Teaching Academy (CTA) will be geared toward those in higher education who teach (or plan to teach) undergraduate career planning courses.

This academy for NCDA members is for select career professionals who are new, or began teaching career planning courses within the last 5 years in a higher education setting. Best practices and progress in the area of career planning course development across the profession will be shared. Participants will discuss topics such as diversity and inclusion and challenges facing students after 2020. Additionally, participants will hear from career development experts, share ideas, and revise their existing syllabi. CTA participants also commit to engaging in a project to serve others teaching a career planning course.


  • Open to career professionals working in higher education with an interest in learning best practices in teaching undergraduate career planning courses.
  • Must be an NCDA member
  • Must be able to:
    • Attend and participate in the full 1.5 day Academy
    • Register for and attend NCDAs Annual Global Career Development Conference

Important Details:Ncda Annual Conference 1719530216942

  • The inaugural CTA was held during the 2022 NCDA Annual Global Career Development Conference – the next CTA has not been determined.
  • Participants may receive a stipend to help offset costs of travel and conference participation.
  • Full participation and attendance to the conference will be required
  • Each cohort will present at the following year's NCDA conference on projects completed during their year of service.
  • Apply to the CTA by March 1st - watch this page for an open application

Need More Information about the CTA?

Contact the NCDA Headquarters for more information (


Welcome CTA Class of 2022!

See the list of participants: Career Teaching Academy Class Of 2022